May 9, 2012 marks the first Global Accessibility Awareness Day. On this day designed to raise awareness of the need for digital inclusion, the Law Office of Lainey Feingold recognizes the large United States institutions that have committed to accessibility through the Structured Negotiations process.
The entities listed below, have worked with the blind community to improve accessibility to their websites and other technologies. They have recognized the importance of inclusion and have done so in a collaborative and solution-driven way. These companies, including Major League Baseball, Charles Schwab, and Bank of America, have shown leadership and commitment to the needs of all their customers. True to the theme of the day, they have shown their awareness of accessibility and will hopefully serve as a role model for others to do the same.
Learn More about Global Accessibility Awareness Day
The idea of a Global Accessibility Awareness Day started with a single blog post written by a Los Angeles-based web developer, Joe Devon. Jennison Asuncion, an accessibility professional from Toronto discovered the post on Twitter, and together the two made the day happen with a Global Accessibility Awareness Day website, a GAAD Facebook Page, and a GAAD Twitter account.
As described on the effort’s website:
Global Accessibility Awareness Day is a community-driven effort whose goal is to dedicate one day to raising the profile of and introducing the topic of digital (web, software, mobile app/device etc.) accessibility and people with different disabilities to the broadest audience possible.
— GAAD website
Thank You Structured Negotiations Partners
Structured Negotiations are an advocacy and alternative dispute resolution process that focuses on solution in addressing the need for website accessibility and other forms of digital and technology inclusion. Read more about Structured Negotiations. Global Accessibility Awareness Day is a perfect opportunity to recognize corporations and other entities who have used the process to ensure inclusion and accessibility for people with disabilities.
Here is a list of some of the entities that have engaged in the Structured Negotiations process with the blind community to improve the accessibility of their websites and other technology, including ATMs, point of sale devices, and pedestrian signals. Read press releases about the accessibility initiatives of these companies
- American Cancer Society
- Bank of America
- Best Buy
- Charles Schwab
- Credit Reporting Companies (TransUnion, Equifax and Experian)
- Major League Baseball (MLB)
- RadioShack
- Rite Aid
- Sovereign Bank
- Staples
- Target
- TCF Bank
- Wells Fargo
For more information about web accessibility initiatives undertaken by companies on this list, visit the Web Accessibility Settlement Category.
For more information about the global spread of accessible technology advocacy, visit the International Issues Category.