Lainey Feingold’s Speaking Archives

Packed audience for Lainey's talk at CSUN 2019
Audience at Lainey’s 2019 presentation at the CSUN conference

This page lists Lainey Feingold’s speaking events from 2017 through 2024. For 2025 speaking engagements and for recorded talks from previous years, please visit the Upcoming and Recorded Talks page.

To invite Lainey to speak or present a training, and to learn more about what she can offer your audience, visit the main Speaking Page.

[Please note that links to completed speaking events may no longer be active if the event sponsor has removed details of past events.]

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  • Axe-Con: The Digital Accessibility Legal Landscape

    February 20, 2024 at 11:00 am (Pacific)


    Lainey is glad to be back at Axe-Con (the free digital accessibility online conference) sponsored by Deque to talk about accessibility as a civil right and what’s happening in the legal space. Whatever your role, come learn how you can put the law in your pocket to advance digital inclusion for disabled people.

  • Digital Learning Accessibility: The Road Ahead (An Educause Webinar)

    February 27, 2024 at 12:00 pm (Eastern)


    Lainey is looking forward to participating in this Educause webinar with Sam Chandrashekar, Korey Singleton, and Seamus Harreys about the legal landscape and the importance of digital accessibility and disability inclusion in the digital learning environment.

  • Accessible Canada – Accessible World A Digital Accessibility Ethics Code of Conduct

    May 27, 2024 at 1:30 pm (Eastern)

    virtual + in-person

    Lainey is glad to be (remotely) part of this innovative gathering taking place in Montreal on May 27-28. Flipping the usual script, there will be no presentations during the sessions. Instead, short presentations have been pre-recorded and the conversation in the room will moderated by a facilitator and a provocateur. Lainey has submitted to two pre-recorded sessions and will be the provocateur for the session on Ethics.

    One is titled Collaboration Skills and Strategies for Accessibility and one is titled Delay Plagues U.S. Accessibility Regulations: Can Canada Do Better? Both can be found on the Submission Page of the Conference website.

  • Kennedy Center LEAD Conference Strategies for Collaborative and Solution-driven Approaches to Accessibility

    August 2, 2024 at 9:00 am

    Seattle, Washington

    Lainey is excited to present at the Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability (LEAD®) conference, a global gathering of cultural organizations sponsored by the Kennedy Center’s Access/VSA International Network. Lainey’s will be presenting with Marcelina Ramirez and Stephanie Lampkin, PhD on the topic of “Strategies for Collaborative and Solution-driven Approaches to Accessibility.”

    In addition to this session, Lainey will be part of the closing “Ask Me Anything” panel on digital accessibility legal issues impacting cultural institutions.

  • Paris Web Conference 2024

    September 27, 2024 at 9:50 am

    Paris, France

    Lainey is excited to present in person at Paris Web, “The event for an accessible and quality web.” Her talk is titled “Be a Dolphin not a Shark: Using cooperation over conflict to advance digital accessibility.”

  • WordPress Accessibility Day Keynote

    October 9, 2024 at 8:00 am (Pacific)


    Lainey is looking forward to kicking off the WordPress accessibility community’s 24 hour digital accessibility online gathering. Her keynote is titled Accessibility is a Civil Right: The Digital Accessibility Legal Landscape for the WordPress Community. WordPress Accessibility Day is a “24-hour global event dedicated to promoting and learning website accessibility best practices for WordPress websites.” It’s free and everything is recorded. Thank you to the volunteers who make this event possible!

  • M-Enabling Summit Spotlight: European Accessibility Act (EAA) and U.S. Accessibility Legislation

    October 16, 2024 at 11:00 am

    Arlington, Virginia

    Lainey is looking forward to sharing the stage at M-Enabling with Susanna Laurin, the G3ICT/IAAP EU Representative and a deep well of knowledge about the European Accessibility Act (EAA). Susanna and Lainey will highlight the similarities and differences between the EAA and US disability rights legislation. We’ll take a birds-eye view of anticipated impacts on disabled people, industry, and policymakers worldwide as the EAA comes online in 2025, and US legislation and regulations continue to evolve.

  • 2024 U.S. Digital Accessibility Legal Update with Lainey Feingold 3Play Media Annual Free Webinar

    December 12, 2024 at 2:00 pm (Eastern)


    Lainey is glad to be back with the 3Play community for this annual free online digital accessibility legal update. Because there is so much to cover, this year will be focused on the United States — stay tuned for other 3Play webinars on the global digital accessibility legal space.

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  • Keynote, Level Access 2023 Company Kick-off Gathering

    January 25, 2023 at 10:00 am

    Las Vegas NV

    Lainey is excited to offer the keynote presentation at the Level Access 2023 company kick-off gathering in Las Vegas. It will be the first time Lainey references Yoda and Darth Vader in a talk!

  • Structured Negotiation Training @ Disability Rights North Carolina

    February 2, 2023

    Raleigh, North Carolina

    Lainey will be co-facilitating a full day training for lawyers and advocates at Disability Rights North Carolina focused on the strategies and tactics of Structured Negotiation in the context of advancing digital equality for disabled people. Lainey’s co-facilitator is Barry Taylor, Vice President for Civil Rights and Systemic Litigation at Equip for Equality in Chicago Illinois. Lainey and Barry first offered this training together at the National Disability Rights Network’s national convention in Washington, DC in 2022.

  • Digital Accessibility Legal Update for TetraLogical Accessibility Consultancy

    May 17, 2023 at 3:00 pm

    London UK

    This is a private event for the TetraLogical team meeting held in London during Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) week.  In addition to public presentations, Lainey offers Digital Accessibility Legal Landscape talks tailored to specific audiences both within the United States and globally.

  • Digital Accessibility + Disability Inclusion: Opportunity + Responsibility for Law Firms

    May 18, 2023 at 2:30 pm

    Microsoft UK, London

    Lainey is excited to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2023 (GAAD) speaking with accessibility leaders at UK law firms at this private Microsoft event.

  • Structured Negotiation talk at the Quinnipiac Integrative Law Summer Institute

    June 6, 2023 at 11:00 am (Eastern)


    Lainey joins collaborative law practitioners in many fields to talk about Structured Negotiation and its quarter-century plus track record of advancing digital accessibility without lawsuits.  Lainey will offer stories, skills and strategies at this symposium sponsored by the Center on Dispute Resolution of Quinnipiac University School Law.  This event is free for law students.

  • The Power of Digital Accessibility to Build Bridges and Open Doors in Higher Ed

    July 25, 2023 at 10:00 am (Eastern)


    This talk is the keynote presentation at the Higher Education Web Accessibility Professionals annual Accessibility Summit.

  • Two-day Day Structured Negotiation Training: Expanding the Advocate’s Toolbox

    August 29, 2023

    on-site, Los Angeles CA

    This training is for lawyers and advocates at Disability Rights California, a statewide non-profit advancing and protecting the civil rights of disabled people in the state. Lainey’s trainings are packed with stories, strategies and hands-on exercises. She’s excited to co-lead this training with Disability Rights California lawyers Melinda Bird and Autumn Elliott.

  • A beautiful accessibility partnership: Advocates + lawyers working for change

    September 21, 2023 at 9:00 am (Pacific)


    Lainey is excited to co-present this session with friend and global blind activist Kim Charlson as part of #ID24. #ID24 is a virtual and free 24 hours of accessibility and inclusive design programming. No registration required. Lainey is grateful to the ID24 Team!

  • M-Enabling Summit Session Moderator: U.S. Federal Digital Accessibility Legal Landscape

    October 11, 2023 at 9:30 am

    Arlington, VA

    Lainey is happy to be back at the M-Enabling Summit moderating a panel of all stars to talk about what is happening in the federal digital accessibility space — and what’s on the horizon. Lots to talk about!

  • Digital Accessibility and Civil Rights: The 2023 legal landscape for the A11yNYC Community

    October 17, 2023 at 7:30 pm (Eastern)

    Online and in person in NYC. See link below for details

    Lainey’s excited to be back with the New York City Accessibility MeetUp, where she last presented in 2017. This talk, with plenty of time for Q and A, will offer an overview of what’s happening in the United States digital accessibility legal space. It will suggest ways we can all talk about the law, whatever our roles, without fear and restriction.

  • Collaboration! Using the law without conflict to advance digital accessibility

    October 18, 2023 at 2:00 pm (Eastern)

    Hybrid: Online + at Google NYC headquarters (A private event for Google employees only)

    Lainey is happy to be part of Google’s ADI month in New York City this year.

  • 3Play Media’s 2023 Digital Accessibility Legal Update with Lainey Feingold (Part One)

    November 30, 2023 at 2:00 pm (Eastern)


    Lainey is glad to be back with 3Play Media for her annual digital accessibility legal update. It’s free and online. With so much happening in the digital accessibility legal space, this year’s offering will be spread over two webinars. Register once for both. Part one will focus on what is happening in the United States.

  • 3Play Media’s Digital Accessibility Legal Update with Lainey Feingold (Part Two)

    December 7, 2023 at 2:00 pm (Eastern)


    This year’s annual digital accessibility legal update for 3Play Media will be in two parts. Both are free and online and you need only register once. Part Two will be a snapshot of global digital accessibility law and policy and includes strategies for talking about the law whatever your role, and for staying ahead of the legal curve wherever you are.

  • Keynote @ Inclusive India: Digital First

    December 14, 2023

    New Delhi, India

    Lainey is excited to be a keynote speaker at the Inclusive India: Digital First conference, sponsored by Barrier Break. Lainey’s will be speaking on one of her favorite topics: “Structured Negotiation: A Winning Strategy for Advancing Accessibility.” Barrier Break, founded by Shilpi Kapoor, is “the leader in offshore Digital Accessibility testing and consulting based in India, founded in the year 2004 with a strong belief that that technology can empower people with disabilities and elderly to live independently.”

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  • A 2022 Legal Update of the Digital Accessibility Landscape with Lainey Feingold

    January 27, 2022 at 7:00 pm (Pacific)


    Lainey is happy to kick off the 2022 season of her local digital accessibility meetup, the Bay Area Accessibility and Inclusive Design Meetup.

  • Guest Speaker, Ruth Colker’s Disability Law Class at Moritz College of Law (OSU)

    February 23, 2022 at 1:00 pm (Eastern)


    Lainey loves speaking with law students about Structured Negotiation and the digital accessibility legal space. She appreciates Professor Ruth Colker inviting Lainey back to talk to her class for the second time.

  • Structured Negotiation Training with the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund

    March 3, 2022 at 12:00 pm (Eastern)


    Lainey is looking forward to this two-day Structured Negotiation training sponsored by the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. Contact Lainey for more information about this training, presented with civil rights lawyer Noah lewis and designed for lawyers and advocates committed to advancing the rights of transgender people.

  • Guest Lecturer, University of Toronto Faculty of Information | Accessibility and Inclusive Design Course

    March 8, 2022 at 7:00 pm (Eastern)


    Lainey is excited to speak to graduate students at  on the topic of “Accessibility & Inclusive Design: human rights, people with disabilities, and the value of collaboration.” This class is taught by professors and accessibility professionals Catherine Tunney Braeken and Jane Motz Hayers.

  • axe-con 2022: Collaboration Works! 25 years of Structured Negotiation for digital accessibility

    March 15, 2022 at 11:00 am (Eastern)


    Lainey is excited to share the tools and strategies of Structured Negotiation with the global accessibility community gathering online for the axe-con conference.

  • Accessibility is a Civil Right and Overlays are Bad: Highlights from the Digital Accessibility Legal Landscape

    March 16, 2022 at 8:00 am (Pacific)

    CSUN Conference Anaheim California (and streaming)

    Lainey has spoken at CSUN most years since 2000. While there are now many other accessibility conferences building community around the globe, it is still true that every year CSUN attracts people brand new to accessibility. People who are not yet aware that accessibility is a civil right, or who may not yet know that one-line-of-code overlays don’t protect against lawsuits or create accessible sites. Those in the digital accessibility space for years still want to keep up with the law from a civil rights perspective. For these reasons, Lainey is offering her legal update at CSUN 2022.

    [The image here shows the standing / sitting room only crowd the last time I presented at CSUN. My talk will be for both old-timers and the next generation of accessibility champions. Packed audience for Lainey's talk at CSUN 2019

  • US Web Accessibility Laws in the U.S. 2022 | WordPress Accessibility MeetUp

    March 21, 2022 at 5:00 pm (Pacific)


    Lainey is glad to join the WordPress Accessibility Meetup to talk about accessibility as a civil right and what’s happening in the digital accessibility legal space.

  • Ability Summit: Industry Trends in Accessibility

    May 10, 2022 at 12:00 pm (Pacific)


    Lainey is honored to be speaking at Microsoft’s Ability Summit this year, and especially pleased to be in conversation with technologist and big thinker Chancey Fleet.

  • Knowbility’s AccessU Digital Accessibility Legal Update

    May 11, 2022 at 3:30 pm (Central)


    Glad to be back remotely at this year’s hybrid AccessU. The time listed here is for the live Q and A. My pre-recorded session is available to both remote and in-person attendees. I love offering the digital accessibility legal update at AccessU becuase the talk is a full 90 minutes!

  • Disability Inclusion and Accessibility in Conflict Resolution

    June 2, 2022 at 12:00 pm (Pacific)


    Looking forward to blending two of my favorite topics — disability inclusion and conflict resolution — in this webinar sponsored by the Center for Understanding in Conflict

  • Disability Inclusion and Accessibility in Conflict Resolution

    June 2, 2022 at 12:00 pm (Pacific)


    Glad to be in this conversation with Melanie Rowan of the Center for Understanding in Conflict joining my twin passions of digital accessibility and collaborative dispute resolution!

  • Speaker – Web Accessibility in Mind Conference

    September 8, 2022 at 3:00 pm (Eastern)


    Lainey’s excited to be part of this inaugural web accessibility conference, speaking on something we all do — Accessibility Convincing! I titled this talk Accessibility Convincing: Putting ethics, people with disabilities, and civil rights at the center. Why? because too often these factors get lost in a cloud of fear, dollars and a narrow legal viewpoint.

  • Fireside Chat with LinkedIn Co-Founder Allen Blue

    October 11, 2022 at 1:00 pm (Pacific)


    To celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), LinkedIn invited Lainey to be in conversation with co-founder Allen Blue about a wide range of topics including Structured Negotiation, best practices to increase employment of disabled people, and the role of culture in fostering disability inclusion.

  • M-Enabling Summit

    October 24, 2022 at 1:30 pm

    Arlington, VA

    Lainey’s glad to be moderating a session at the M-Enabling Summit, celebrating the 10th anniversary of this gathering with the theme “Digital Inclusion: Strategies for Equal Opportunities.”

  • Keynote: Massachusetts Office on Disability Summit: Accessibility in a Digital World

    October 27, 2022 at 10:00 am (Eastern)

    online and in Somerville, MA

    Lainey is honored to keynote the annual Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD) Summit in the state where she grew up. Lainey has been involved in Structured Negotiation work in Massachusetts since the early 2000’s. She’s looking forward to share stories and strategies from a quarter century of Structured Negotiation, talking about both highlights and ethics in the digital accessibility legal space. This is a free hybrid event – you can join from anywhere!

  • Keynote: Florida AHEAD annual conference

    November 3, 2022 at 10:30 am (Eastern)


    Lainey will be kicking off the Florida AHEAD (Florida Association on Higher Education and Disability) annual conference with a talk on “The Digital Accessibility Legal Landscape: Civil rights at the heart of disability inclusion for students, staff, and faculty with disabilities.”

  • Accessibility Persuasion: Strategies and tactics for talking about digital inclusion (@ Google)

    November 7, 2022 at 1:00 pm (Pacific)


    Lainey is excited to present this talk as part of Google’s Accessibility and Disability Inclusion Week, available to Google employees across the globe.

  • 2022 Digital Accessibility Legal Update @ 3PlayMedia

    December 8, 2022 at 2:00 pm (Eastern)


    Lainey is looking forward to her annual end-of-the-year legal update presented by accessible video provider 3PlayMedia. Free and live captioned and ASL (of course!)


  • Digital Accessibility: Getting 2021 Off to an Inclusive Start (A Disability:IN program)

    January 21, 2021 at 3:00 pm (Eastern)


    This webinar is limited to corporate partners who are part of the Disability:IN Inclusion Works program. Contact Lainey with questions about bringing this type of webinar to your organization.

  • Conversation with Haben Girma, Author of Haben: The Deafblind Woman Who Conquered Harvard Law

    January 27, 2021 at 12:00 pm (Eastern)


    Lainey is excited to ask the questions during this session with disability justice lawyer, author, and international speaker Haben Girma. This session is part of Disability:IN’s Inclusion Works Conference and limited to Disability:IN partners enrolled in the Inclusion Works program.

  • Guest Speaker / Ruth Colker’s Disability Accessibility Class

    February 24, 2021 at 11:30 am (Pacific)


    Lainey loves talking with law students about digital accessibility, disability rights, and how to achieve results without being a shark. Be a dolphin instead!

  • Put the Law in your Pocket: Accessibility as a Human Right (Portland A11y + UX Meetup)

    March 16, 2021 at 5:45 pm (Pacific)


    Lainey’s looking forward to joining the accessibility champions of the Portland (Oregon) Accessibility and UX MeetUp. We’ll have a conversation about why accessibility is a human right and how everyone can put the law in their pocket to protect and advance that right.

  • Digital Accessibility: A Civil Right for disabled test-takers and others in the CPA community

    April 13, 2021 at 10:00 am (Central)


    Lainey is looking forward to speaking about digital accessibility with National State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). Since 1908, NASBA has served as a forum for the nation’s 55 State Boards of Accountancy, which administer the Uniform CPA Examination, license more than 650,000 Certified Public Accountants and regulate the practice of public accountancy in the United States.

  • Annapolis Book Event with Haben Girma

    April 24, 2021 at 2:30 pm (Eastern)


    Lainey will be asking the questions of disability justice lawyer Haben Girma, author of the wonderful Haben: the Deafblind Woman who Conquered Harvard Law. This event is free and open to the public. Read more about the book festival. Join us!

  • Customer Communications Virtual Summit: Accessibility as a civil right

    May 5, 2021 at 10:15 am (Pacific)


  • Digital Accessibility as a Civil Right: Legal Update for AccessU

    May 18, 2021 at 9:00 am (Central)


    Lainey’s glad to be back at one of her favorite digital accessibility conferences – Knowbility’s John Slatin AccessU. Join me for a 90 minute legal update – I’m looking forward to being able to speak at a slower pace than usual!

  • Digital Accessibility: A Crucial Ingredient of Ethical Civic Tech Design

    May 18, 2021 at 11:45 am (Eastern)


    Lainey’s glad to be part of this year’s DotGov Design Conference. Talking about ethics, accessibility, and civil rights to a community that can design those concepts into practice is one of her favorite things to do!

  • Accessibility Camp Bay Area 10th Anniversary GAAD event

    May 22, 2021 at 1:30 pm (Pacific)


    Hard to believe that Global Accessibility Awareness Day is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Lainey is glad to join the Accessibility Camp Bay Area for a look back on 10 years in the digital accessibility legal space…and a look forward to what might be next.

  • Best Practices for Accessible, Inclusive Communications

    May 25, 2021 at 12:00 pm (Eastern)


    Lainey’s excited to moderate Disability:IN’s Global Accessibility Awareness Day webinar with powerhouse speakers Claudia Gordon, Angela Hooker, and Shilpi Kapoor. Together we have 98 years of experience in the digital accessibility space! Join us for this free event.

  • The Digital Accessibility Legal Landscape – why it matters for developers (React Finland)

    September 2, 2021 at 8:00 am (Pacific)


    Lainey loves to speak with developers around the globe about their role as human-rights champions as they develop accessible online experiences. Gratitude to React Finland for inviting her to their annual gathering.

  • Digital Accessibility Matters for Continuing Ed for CPAs (Summit Presentation)

    September 14, 2021 at 12:35 pm (Central)


    This program is being offered by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) for providers (Sponsors) of continuing professional education (CPEs) for Certified Public Accountants (CPAs). This is Lainey’s second program for NASBA, an organization that cares about digital accessibility for its community!

  • Digital Accessibility Best Practices (Experian NDEAM Webinar)

    October 29, 2021 at 10:00 am (Pacific)


    In her role as the Disability:IN Digital Accessibility Resource, Lainey is glad to be part of Experian’s NDEAM events with this panel. Lainey will be presenting with Tom Foley, Executive Director of the National Disability Institute.

  • Disability Rights Florida Structured Negotiation Training

    November 3, 2021 at 2:00 pm (Eastern)


    Lainey loves sharing the stories and strategies of Structured Negotiation with the committed disability rights advocates and lawyers who are part of the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN).  For this event she will spend three hours with the state-wide team at Disability Rights Florida.


  • Digital Accessibility – An essential aspect of disability inclusion and why it matters to the Penn State Health community

    November 10, 2021 at 12:00 pm (Eastern)


    Lainey is looking forward to sharing digital accessibility best practices with the Penn State health community.  This event is presented by the Penn State Health Dauphin County Disability Business Employee Resource Group, Penn State Health’s Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Penn State College of Medicine.

  • 2021 Digital Accessibility Legal Update with 3Play Media

    December 9, 2021 at 11:00 am (Pacific)


    Lainey is glad to be back at 3Play Media for her final legal update of 2021.



  • Guest Speaker: Harvard Law School Class / Diversity and Dispute Resolution

    January 17, 2019 at 8:30 am

    via web

    This is the second year Lainey has been invited to present to David Hoffman’s class at Harvard Law School. Lainey will talk with the students (several from outside the United States) about Structured Negotiation, representing disabled clients, and how lawyers can best serve the disability community.

  • Panelist: Rethinking Diversity, Reintroducing Disability

    February 12, 2019 at 5:00 pm

    UC Berkeley Career Center 2440 Bancroft Way Berkeley, CA 94720

    A free event that includes the trailer screening of “Crip Camp” by filmmaker and disability rights activist James Lebrecht followed by a panel discussion about disability history, identity, rights, and movements with Lebrecht, Denise Sherer Jacobson, Cathy Kudlick and Lainey.

  • Transatlantic Reflections on the Power of Technology for Inclusion

    February 22, 2019 at 11:00 am (Eastern)

    Zoom presentation for live gathering in Maryland

    Lainey will be part of a global panel and talk about her work on accessible technology using the collaborative tools of Structured Negotiation.

  • The Digital Accessibility Legal Summit: Legal Strategies in the Accessibility Space: Lawsuits, Structured Negotiation, and other approaches for ALL stakeholders

    March 12, 2019

    Los Angeles, CA

    Lainey will be leading a discussion at this inaugural summit on digital accessibility law. The legal landscape has changed drastically in the past three years. How can lawyers representing all parties make sure the digital accessibility legal space is ethical and focused on problem-solving? How can we do this without compromising (i) the rights of disabled people to use all available tools to enforce hard-fought civil rights and (ii) the rights of technology owners to use statutorily provided legal defenses. Let’s talk about smart practices for all stakeholders.

  • 2019 Digital Accessibility Legal Update at CSUNATC

    March 13, 2019 at 10:00 am

    Platinum 8, 1st Floor at the CSUN Conference in Anaheim, CA

    This will be Lainey’s 19th year attending the CSUN conference.  She has been presenting most years since 2001, and has been doing the legal update many of those years, beginning in approximately 2004.

  • Guest Lecturer: Columbia Law School Disability Rights Course

    April 23, 2019 at 11:00 am

    Lainey will be speaking via webinar about Structured Negotiation to Columbia Law School’s disability rights course taught by Liz Emens. Law Students deserve to learn about options other than being a shark!

  • Digital Accessibility Legal Update @ AccessU

    May 15, 2019 at 10:00 am

    Austin, TX

    Lainey will have 1.5 hours for the digital accessibility legal update at the annual John Slatin AccessU Conference. She will repeat the session on Thursday May 16 at 2:00 and also offer it as part of AccessU online (see next listing).

  • Digital Accessibility Legal Update @AccessU Online

    May 16, 2019 at 11:00 am (Central)

    Lainey’s glad to offer the legal update as part of the 2019 online version of AccessU.

  • Collaborative Tools for Digital Inclusion: Workshop in Basque Country, Spain

    June 7, 2019 at 10:00 am

    Vitoria Spain

    Lainey is grateful to the Association of Collaborative Law of Basque Country for the opportunity to share ideas about using collaborative tools like Structured Negotiation to help close the digital divide by increasing accessibility.

  • National ADA Symposium: Structured Negotiation Workshop

    June 18, 2019 at 1:30 pm

    Grapevine, Texas

    Join Lainey for a deep dive into the collaborative tools of Structured Negotiation in this three hour workshop for disability advocates. Gain skills that can help resolve disability claims without run-away costs, stress, and negative publicity. This will be a hands-on workshop with practical tools that Symposium attendees can bring to all types of advocacy efforts — including workplace conflicts!

  • National ADA Symposium: Digital Accessibility Legal Update

    June 19, 2019 at 1:30 pm

    Grapevine, Texas

    Lainey’s popular digital accessibility legal update designed for Symposium attendees. Current cases, Structured Negotiation and advocacy, government activity will be shared. We’ll talk about the role of the law in making the digital world accessible and best practices for baked in accessibility. Come learn how to put the law in your pocked to advance disability rights.

  • What’s New in the Digital Accessibility Legal Space @DisabilityIn Conference

    July 16, 2019 at 1:30 pm

    Chicago, IL

    Lainey is excited to be attending her first DisabilityIn conference and presenting the digital accessibility legal update tailored to organizations committed to diversity and inclusion. This session is sponsored by Microsoft and will be moderated by Jessica Rafuse, Senior Program Manager, Accessibility, Corporate External Legal Affairs

  • Workshop: “Who Gets to Create, Who Gets to Consume: Digital Media, Disability, and US Law”

    September 9, 2019 at 4:00 pm

    Ohio State University

  • 2019 Lawrence Lecturer on Dispute Resolution @ Ohio State

    September 10, 2019 at 12:00 pm

    Moritz College of Law @Ohio State University

    Lainey is honored to be delivering the annual Lawrence Lecture on Dispute Resolution at the Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University.

  • How to Navigate the Galaxy of Accessibility Laws @ACCESS by 3Play Media

    October 3, 2019 at 10:35 am

    The Exchange Conference Center 212 Northern Ave Boston, MA 02210

  • Merck Economic Impact Summit

    October 22, 2019 at 11:00 am

    East Brunswick, New Jersey

    Lainey will be a panelist on “Accessibility Matters: The Do’s and Don’ts from Industry Leaders”

  • #a11yTOConf

    October 25, 2019 at 10:50 am

    Toronto, Ontario

    Excited to join friends and colleagues to talk about ethics in the digital accessibility legal space. Part of a “curated playlist of talks, focused on digital accessibility” in Toronto.

  • Haben Girma Book Reading (Haben in Conversation with Lainey)

    November 16, 2019 at 3:00 pm

    Books, Inc. in Berkeley, 1491 Shattuck Avenue

    Lainey is honored to be asking the questions (and taking audience questions) at Haben Girma’s book reading in Berkeley. Haben and I will talk about her wonderful book, Haben: The Deafblind Woman who Conquered Harvard Law.


  • Speaker, Berkeley Law 2018 Disability Rights Conference

    January 12, 2018 at 2:50 pm (null)

    Berkeley, CA (Ed Roberts Campus)

    Speaker on MCLE panel, Practicing as a Disability Rights Attorney. Lainey will share her experience as a solo-practice lawyer with Berkeley Law students. She will tell stories of two decades of Structured Negotiation — negotiating complex civil rights cases with organizations including Walmart, Bank of America, the City and County of San Francisco, and Major League Baseball, all without lawsuits.

  • Guest Speaker (virtual): Harvard Law School’s Diversity and Dispute Resolution class

    January 16, 2018 at 11:30 am (Eastern)


    Lainey will share her experience as a disability rights lawyer practicing Structured Negotiation with Professor David Hoffman’s Diversity and Dispute Resolution class. The importance of making sure people with disabilities are included in negotiations and mediation — with needed accommodations and accessibility — is critical to a truly inclusive process.

  • Free Webinar: Best practices for Inclusive Technology

    January 17, 2018 at 2:00 pm (Eastern)

    Accessibility is a civil right. Welcome the new year with this free webinar where we will go over the basics of accessible technology, explore best practices for inclusive technology, and become familiar with the legal foundations for accessibility. This webinar is sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center, a member of the National ADA Network, and TransCen, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to improving education and employment success of youth and young adults with disabilities.

  • Free Teleconference about Structured Negotiation

    January 23, 2018 at 2:00 pm (Pacific)


    Discussion about Structured Negotiation with the American Bar Association’s Section of Dispute Resolution Collaborative Law Committee. Lainey has written about the close relationship between Collaborative Law and Structured Negotiation. The toll free dial-in number for the call is: 866.646.6488. The Conference Code: 2360398078

  • Tennessee Association of Professional Mediators Structured Negotiation Talk

    February 8, 2018 at 1:00 pm (Central)

    Lainey will speak during the Tennessee Association of Mediators bi-monthly call about Structured Negotiation for Mediators: Twenty Years of Complex Dispute Resolution without Lawsuits. Read what mediators have said about Lainey’s book, Structured Negotiation, A Winning Alternative to Lawsuits.

  • Nashville (TN) Bar Association Talk

    February 21, 2018 at 4:00 pm (null)

    150 Fourth Avenue North, 10th Floor

    An introduction to Structured Negotiation for members and friends of the Nashville Bar Association.

  • In-depth Structured Negotiation Training with Disability Rights Tennesee

    February 22, 2018 at 9:00 am (null)

    Lainey will take a deep dive into Structured Negotiation with lawyers and advocates from Disability Rights Tennessee, a state wide organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities in Tennessee. The elements that have made Structured Negotiation a successful dispute resolution strategy — including negotiating qualities of patience and trust — will be explored through both presentations and hands on exercises.

  • Hastings Law School Digital Accessibility Class

    March 14, 2018 at 2:00 pm (null)

    Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco

    Lainey will return to her alma mater as a guest speaker on disability rights and technology.

  • 33rd Annual CSUN Conference: Digital Accessibility Legal Update(s)

    March 21, 2018 (null)

    San Diego, CA

    Lainey will be offering the Digital Accessibility Legal Update three times at this year’s CSUN conference. See linked post for times and locations. This will be one session repeated, so everyone who wants to know what is happening in the digital accessibility legal space can. Please note that two of the sessions are not on the conference calendar, so please spread the word.

  • 33d Annual CSUN Conference: Beyond Compliance Session with Microsoft

    March 22, 2018 at 10:00 am (null)

    Seaport Ballroom H (Microsoft Suite) 2nd Floor Seaport Tower, Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego

    Join Microsoft lawyer Sue Boyd and Lainey Feingold as they talk about best practices for digital accessibility that keep pace – and outpace — current legal developments in the accessibility space. Please note that this session is not listed on the conference calendar, so please spread the word!

  • Disability and Dispute Resolution: Practical Information for Mediators and other Peacemakers (ABA DR Spring Conference)

    April 5, 2018 at 11:30 am (null)

    Washington, D.C.

    Too often disability is left out when mediators and other peacemakers talk about diversity, inclusion, and civil rights. Lainey is exciting to be doing this session with three disabled disability rights lawyers — Robyn Powell, Deepa Goraya, and Debra Patkin. Together we will explore the intersection of dispute resolution and disability, including best practices for communicating with deaf and blind lawyers, parties and neutrals; Website and document accessibility; accommodation policies; disability issues in collaborative (family law) practice; accessibility issues in Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), language and disability awareness; Structured Negotiation and other successful DR strategies for disability rights claims; issues for disabled mediators; and marketing mediation and legal services to the disability community.

  • CLE Webinar: Structured Negotiation and Healthcare Law, Cost Effective Dispute Resolution (fee based)

    April 26, 2018 at 12:00 pm (Eastern)


    Join Lainey Feingold and disability rights/health care lawyer Andrés Gallegos for this webinar sponsored by the Health Law Section of the American Bar Association. Registration information will be posted when available. Lainey and Andrés will share their experiences representing the disability community in Structured Negotiation on a variety of health care issues including accessible clinics, web and mobile accessibility, and talking prescription labels. Participants will learn tools for resolving complex health care issues without litigation.

  • John Slatin AccessU: Digital Accessibility Legal Update

    May 15, 2018 at 11:00 am (null)

    Austin, TX

    Lainey’s glad to be going back to Knowbility’s wonderful AccessU conference in Austin with a full ninety minutes for the digital accessibility legal update. Come learn to make sense of the legal landscape and put the civil rights of disabled people at the core of your accessibility work, no matter what your role.

  • Honoring Wisdom, Embracing Change: A Conversation about Eldering in the Accessibility Community at AccessU

    May 15, 2018 at 7:30 am (null)

    Austin, TX

    Lainey will join Knowbility’s Sharron Rush, and Microsoft’s Wendy Chisholm to kick off the 2018 AccessU conference with a conversation about the past and future of accessibility and how the notion of eldering can help ensure continuity and support for people in all stages of their accessibility careers.

  • AccessU Online Legal Update

    May 16, 2018 at 1:30 pm (Central)

    The AccessU digital accessibility legal update for people unable to come to Austin!

  • 2018 National ADA Symposium: Information Technology in Health Care

    June 19, 2018 at 8:00 am (null)

    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    Access to healthcare information, technology, programs, services and facilities is an issue of critical importance to the disability community. Without accessibility, confidentiality and privacy is compromised. Accessible health care technology issues include talking prescription labels, accessible medical records, accessible websites and mobile applications, video remote interpreting (VRI) and kiosks in hospitals and doctors offices. Come explore best practices for these issues and learn what advocates (and lawyers) are doing in the accessible health care space.

  • 2018 National ADA Symposium: Structured Negotiation: A Successful Strategy for Advancing Disability Rights

    June 19, 2018 at 1:00 pm (null)

    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    Structured Negotiation is a highly effective strategy for resolving disability rights claims without the conflict and run aways costs that go along with filing a lawsuit. This session is for advocates, consumers, and lawyers. It will offer practical tools for working with government agencies, the private sector, and schools and universities in a way that builds relationships and produces long-term results. Lots of stories and examples from Structured Negotiation’s track record of improving access in the digital space for more than two decades.

  • U Mass Accessibility Retreat: Access for All

    July 9, 2018 at 2:15 pm (Eastern)

    Lainey presenting online / conference in Dartmouth, MA

    Lainey will be presenting remotely at this system-wide conference of the University of Massachusetts campus. Her talk is titled: “What’s Law got to do with it? Accessibility as a civil right of UMass students, faculty and staff.” Lainey is doing this webinar in honor of her parents, both of whom graduated from the University of Masachsusetts in 1954.

  • Webinar: Digital Accessibility Law for Developers, Designers, All of Us! (fee-based)

    July 25, 2018 at 11:00 am (Eastern)


    Join Lainey for a legal update designed for web developers, designers, and accessibility professionals. Part of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) 2018 webinar series.

  • Better by Design Workshop: From the negotiating table to the design studio

    August 23, 2018 at 12:00 pm

    Madison, Wisconsin

    Lainey is thrilled to be doing this workshop with accessibility evangelist Shawn Henry at the Better by Design conference at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. In this interactive workshop, Shawn and Lainey will share the tools of consensus decision making and structured negotiation they have worked with for many years. These tools, reflecting principles embedded in design thinking, can be used in work situations with teams, project leaders and clients to advance accessibility and achieve other personal and workplace goals.

  • Relational Practice Virtual Summit

    September 5, 2018 at 4:00 pm (Eastern)


    Lainey is glad to be part of this inaugural online conference of the American Bar Association’s Section of Dispute Resolution’s Task Force on Relational Practices. The conference theme is “I can relate! Skills, Ideas, and Models for Engaging Differences.” A perfect fit for Structured Negotiation, which Lainey will be talking about with Louise Phipps Senft, author of “Being Relational: The Seven Ways to Quality Interaction and Lasting Change.

  • Sydney Evening Panel: Legislation, Policy and Practice for Digital Inclusion

    October 15, 2018 at 6:00 pm

    University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

    Lainey is excited to be part of an evening event in Sydney during her trip to Australia in October focused on disability and human rights. Lainey will be sharing the stage with Alastair McEwen, Australia’s Disability Discrimination Commissioner, and Rosemary Kayess, Interim-Director of the University of New South Wales’ Disability Innovation Institute, and member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

    This event is run in conjunction with the Sydney Web Accessibility and Inclusive Design Meetup, and features as a part of the Australian Digital Inclusion Alliance’s Digital Accessibility Awareness Week. It is sponsored by Telstra, UNSW Sydney, the University of Sydney and Intopia.

  • Structured Negotiation Workshop @ A11yCamp Melbourne

    October 17, 2018 at 9:00 am

    Melbourne, Australia

    A half day workshop offering the tools of Structured Negotiation for anyone seeking to advance accessibility with less conflict and more problem-solving. Interactive and experiential (and fun!), participants will learn practical skills for working cooperatively to make the digital world usable and accessible to everyone.

  • A11yCamp Melbourne: Conference Keynote

    October 18, 2018

    Melbourne, Australia

    Lainey is thrilled to be returning to Australia to present a conference keynote at A11yCamp Melbourne. A11y (short for Accessibility) Camp Melbourne is Australia’s premier conference on accessibility and inclusion. Stay tuned for the full conference schedule. Lainey will also be presenting a Workshop at A11yCamp, listed separately on this page.

  • New Zealand Accessibility Tick Workshop

    October 22, 2018 at 10:00 am

    Auckland, New Zealand

    Lainey will spend October 23 and 24, 2018 in New Zealand on a visit sponsored by the Blind Foundation of New Zealand. On the 23rd she will lead a workshop with members of the Foundation’s Accessibility Tick Programme, an initiative to help New Zealand organizations become more accessible and inclusive of people with disabilities. Lainey thanks Jason Kiss, web accessibility advocate in NZ, for making the connections that led to this visit!

  • New Zealand Resolution Institute: Structured Negotiation, Disability Rights, Digital Access: Wellington Networking Event with Lainey Feingold

    October 25, 2018 at 5:30 pm

    Wellington, NZ

    Lainey is excited to meet dispute resolution colleagues at this informal gathering with the Resolution Institute of New Zealand

  • Keynote, 3rd Annual ICT Accessibility Testing Symposium

    November 7, 2018 (null)

    George Mason University; Arlington, Virginia

    Testing is a key component in an accessibility program that sticks. In the words of the organizers, this Symposium is peer reviewed, published, open, interactive and original. Lainey is excited to welcome participants to this event in a talk designed to remind everyone of the civil rights component that infuses every role in accessibility.

  • 3Play Media 2018 Digital Accessibility Legal Update (Free Webinar)

    November 29, 2018 at 2:00 pm (Eastern)


    Join Lainey for this annual update of the current state of the digital accessibility legal space. Digital accessibility is a civil right of disabled people. Whatever your role, you can put the law in your pocket to help make the digital world more inclusive. Lainey’s 2017 legal update was one of 3Play Media’s top 5 accessibility webinars that year.

  • Accessibility and Inclusive Design Seattle (A11ySea) Year End MeetUp

    December 5, 2018 at 5:30 pm

    Adobe Campus in Fremont | 801 N 34th St | Seattle, WA

    Join Lainey at Seattle’s Accessibility and Inclusive Design MeetUp where she’s share insights from the legal accessibility space in her talk, “Put the Law in your Pocket: Accessibility Legal Update for Digital Accessibility Professionals.”

  • Talk for Microsoft Legal Department: The Landscape is Changing: What’s New in the Digital Accessibility Legal Space

    December 6, 2018 at 12:00 pm

    Redmond, Washington

    Lainey is excited to do a continuing legal education presentation at Microsoft, a global accessibility champion. She will provide a fast paced look at the current digital accessibility legal landscape and for predictions of what’s next. Court orders, legislative and regulatory efforts, and collaborative settlements will all be discussed. Digital accessibility is a civil right; yet fear of the law is not a good motivator. Lainey believes that Microsoft’s multi-dimensional approach to accessibility is the best way to stay ahead of the legal curve.


  • Disability Matters Radio Program

    January 17, 2017

    Lainey as a guest on Disability Matters, a radio show (with real time captions) hosted by Joyce Bender. Show starts at 2:00 Eastern / 11:00 Pacific.

  • Advocacy Skills Training

    January 19, 2017

    Advocacy Skills Training – Using Structured Negotiation As An Alternative to Litigation. Free webinar sponsored by Legal Aid Association of California (LAAC).

  • Book Event – Hastings College of the Law

    January 24, 2017

    Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco, CA

    Lainey presenting a book talk at Hastings College of the Law, 100 McAllister Street in the Skyroom from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Lainey presenting with Jessie Lorenz, Executive Director of the Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco and a participant in Structured Negotiation. The event is free and CLE credits are available for lawyers. 100 McAllister is a secure building so attendees should try to sign up in advance. In connection with this event, Hastings professor Sheila Purcell interviewed Lainey about her book and her disability rights practice.

  • Structured Negotiation and US Digital Law and Policy

    February 7, 2017

    Windsor, Ontario Canada

    Lainey speaking about Structured Negotiation and US Digital Law and Policy from 10:30 – 12:30 at the University of Windsor Faculty of Law, Farmer Conference Room. Lainey’s visit to the campus is sponsored by the Windsor Disability Law Student Society & Dr. Laverne Jacobs.

  • Advocates’ Society Breakfast

    February 9, 2017

    Advocates’ Society Education Centre, Toronto, ON

    Guest speaker at the Advocates’ Society breakfast. The society is “the premier provider of advocacy skills training across Canada”.

  • Digital Accessibility Law

    February 9, 2017

    ARCH Disability Law Centre, Toronto, ON

    Lainey speaking to the ARCH Disability Law Centre about her book and the current state of digital accessibility law in the United States.

  • Accessibility Toronto MeetUp

    February 9, 2017

    OCAD U. Central Hall, Toronto, ON

    Lainey as the guest speaker at the Accessibility Toronto MeetUp (#A11yTO), a community of digital accessibility and inclusive design professionals. The event will be held in room 230 at 100 McCaul St, Toronto M5T 1W1 and is jointly presented with the Inclusive Design Research Centre of the The Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD U).

  • Presentations to Osgoode Hall Law School

    February 10, 2017

    Osgoode Hall Law School, North York, ON

    Several presentations for students and faculty at Osgoode Hall Law School. Questions about Lainey’s events at Osgoode Hall can be directed to Martha E. Simmons, Director, Mediation Clinical Program.

  • Free Structured Negotiation Webinar

    February 15, 2017


    Free webinar sponsored by the Emerging Enterprises Committee of the Licensing Executives Society (USA and Canada), Inc. LES is the “leading association for intellectual property, technology, and business development professionals to achieve professional and personal success.”

  • SSB’s pre-CSUN Panel on Digital Accessibility Law

    February 28, 2017

    San Diego, CA

    Lainey as a guest speaker and panel member at the SSB’s CSUN Pre-Conference.

  • Digital Accessibility Legal Update

    March 1, 2017

    CSUN Technology Conference, San Diego, CA

    Lainey presenting, along with her colleague Linda Dardarian, the annual Digital Accessibility Legal Update at the 32d annual CSUN Technology Conference.

  • Structured Negotiation Book Party at CSUN

    March 1, 2017

    Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California: Deque Presentation Room (Seaport Ballroom F)

    Join Lainey for a lightning book event on March 1 after the first full day of conference events at CSUN, the International Conference on Technology and People with Disabilities. Come hear stories from her book, Structured Negotiation, A Winning Alternative to Lawsuits . There’s even a CSUN story!

  • Structured Negotiation: A Tool for Disability Rights

    March 21, 2017


    Free webinar sponsored by the Great Lakes ADA Center. 2:00 Eastern / 11:00 Pacific. Come learn why Structured Negotiation has been such a successful strategy in disability rights cases.

    **NOTE: This webinar was archived and is available online on the Accessibility Online Website.

  • Book Talk in DC – American Bar Association

    March 29, 2017

    American Bar Association, Washington, DC

    Book talk at the Washington, DC offices of the American Bar Association, co-sponsored by the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution, the American Council of the Blind, and the American Foundation for the Blind. 5:30 – 7:00 at 1050 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 400.

  • 2017 Jacobus tenBroek Disability Law Symposium

    March 30, 2017

    Baltimore, MD

    Lainey as a panelist at the 2017 Jacobus tenBroek Disability Law Symposium. Lainey speaking about Structured Negotiation at the session titled “The Lawyer’s Toolbox: Effective Legal Strategies for Achieving Digital Accessibility and Communication Access.”

  • 19th Annual Spring Conference, American Bar Association

    April 20, 2017 at 4:00 pm

    Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, CA

    Lainey presenting A Winning Alternative to Lawsuits: Resolving Legal Claims with Structured Negotiation at the 19th Annual Spring Conference of the Dispute Resolution Section of the American Bar Association. During the conference Lainey will be honored as the individual recipient of the Section’s Lawyer as Problem Solver Award.

  • John Slatin AccessU

    May 17, 2017 at 8:30 am (null)

    The annual AccessU Digital Accessibility Legal Update will be a fast-paced review of the law as a driver for digital accessibility. The legal tools in the advocate’s toolbox are many, including litigation, Structured Negotiation, and federal and state agency complaints. Get up-to-date information on how these tools are being used, and what threats lurk as the federal government moves (rushes!) to the right and more and more lawsuits are filed.

  • AccessU Online Summit

    May 18, 2017 at 11:00 am


    The online version of the Digital Accessibility Legal Update will be presented at 11:00 Central time on Thursday May 18 by Environments 4 Humans.

  • The Mediation Society

    May 25, 2017 at 6:00 pm

    San Francisco, CA

    Dinner Speaker at monthly meeting of the Mediation Society of Northern California. Structured Negotiation: A Twenty Year Track Record of Resolving Claims without Lawsuits

  • Women in Dispute Resolution Webinar

    June 2, 2017 at 9:00 am (Pacific)


    Lainey will present on Expanding the Lawyer’s Toolbox: Structured Negotiation as a Winning Alternative to Lawsuits. Please use the contact page to receive information about how to participate in this free webinar.

  • Deep Dive Into “Structured Negotiation:” Focus on the Practitioner (Free Webinar)

    June 8, 2017 at 12:00 pm (Pacific)


    Free online webinar sponsored by the Legal Aid Association of California (LAAC) at noon Pacific on June 8. Brief overview of Structured Negotiation followed by a deep dive into how legal service lawyers can use the process to achieve results for clients, including damages, attorneys’ fees, and systemic change.

  • Accessibility as a Civil Right: Free Webinar (part of #ID24)

    June 9, 2017 at 12:00 pm (Pacific)


    Lainey is glad to once again be part of #ID24 – A *Free* 24-Hour Online Community Event On Accessibility sponsored by accessibility consulting firm The Paciello Group. Lainey’s talk is titled “What is Compliance? Using the Law to Frame Accessibility as a Civil Right” and is geared to everyone in the accessibility space, no matter what role. Check out the whole schedule and learn how to participate at the link below.

  • M-Enabling Summit / IAAP Pre-Conference

    June 12, 2017 at 4:15 pm

    Washington, D.C.

    Lainey will present the Digital Accessibility Legal Update at the M-Enabling Conference. The update will be introduced by Shilpi Kapoor, Managing Director of international digital accessibility consulting firm BarrierBreak. Lainey’s presentation is part of M-Enabling’s pre-conference, organized by the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP)

  • Structured Negotiation, a Winning Strategy for Disability Rights

    June 14, 2017 at 3:30 pm

    Marriott Waterfront, Baltimore, MD

    Speaker, National Disability Rights Network Annual Conference:  “Structured Negotiation, a Winning Strategy for Disability Rights”

  • American Council of the Blind Annual Conference and Convention

    July 3, 2017 at 10:30 am

    Reno, Nevada

    Lainey will present on Structured Negotiation: An Attorney’s Journey from Court Rooms to Client Settlements.

  • American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys (AAVIA)

    July 4, 2017 at 12:15 pm

    ACB National Convention, Reno Nevada

    Structured Negotiation: a Winning Tool for Digital Accessibility. Luncheon speaker at the annual meeting of the American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys (AAVIA), an affiliate of the American Council of the Blind.

  • Putting Accessibility Law in your Pocket: Digital Accessibility Legal Update Webinar (Free)

    August 15, 2017 at 2:00 pm (Eastern)


    Digital accessibility is a civil right. Everyone can learn to put the law in their pocket to talk about disability rights laws as a motivator, not a fear-producer. This update, not just for lawyers, will review the current digital accessibility legal landscape — lawsuits, Structured Negotiations, regulations, and what may be on the horizon.

  • Expanding the Lawyer’s Toolbox: Structured Negotiation as a Winning Alternative to Lawsuits (CLE Event)

    September 14, 2017 at 12:00 pm (null)

    Alameda County Bar Association / Oakland, CA

    Program sponsored by the Alameda County Bar Association, Alternative Dispute Resolution Section. Free for ACBA members. Charge for the public. 1.5 hours Continuing Legal Education units.

  • 2017 Digital Accessibility Legal Update for 3Play Media (Free)

    September 19, 2017 at 2:00 pm (Eastern)


    This free on-line version of the digital accessibility legal update will be presented at 2:00 Eastern (11:00 Pacific) on September 19.

  • Digital Accessibility: A Game Changer for Business / Canadian Business SensAbility Event

    October 3, 2017 at 8:00 am (null)

    Toronto, Ontario Canada

    Canadian Business SensAbility is a national network of Canadian business leaders dedicated to disability inclusion. Lainey is a participant on this panel as part of the organization’s “Open the Door Wider” series.

  • Rethinking accessibility beyond compliance: Keynote at Canadian SenseAbility Lawyer Event

    October 3, 2017 at 1:35 pm (null)

    Toronto, Ontario Canada

    Lainey will kick off this afternoon Canadian SenseAbility event for lawyers committed to disability diversity and inclusion. The afternoon event will be held at the Norton Rose Fulbright LLP law firm. More details coming soon.

  • TechAccessOK 2017 Speaker: Digital Accessibility Legal Update

    October 17, 2017 at 2:30 pm (null)

    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

    Lainey will present on digital accessibility law and policy at Oklahoma’s annual conference on accessibility for people with disabilities. The tile of her presentation is What’s Law Got to Do with it? Digital Accessibility, Civil Rights, and the Current Legal Landscape.

  • Equip for Equality Structured Negotiation CLE for Lawyers

    October 18, 2017 at 3:00 pm (null)

    Chicago, Illinois

    This afternoon CLE (Continuing Legal Education) talk about Structured Negotiation as a Winning Alternative to Lawsuits is sponsored by Equip For Equality and JPMorgan Chase. The session is designed for lawyers from private law firms and corporate legal departments lawyers. Equip for Equality is Illinois’ premier disability rights legal organization, and JPMorgan Chase has long been a digital accessibility leader. Continuing Legal Education credit will be available for this free event.

  • Legal Update for the Chicago Digital Accessibility and Inclusive Design MeetUp

    October 19, 2017 at 6:00 pm (null)

    321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL ( American Bar Association offices)

    Lainey is excited to present the digital accessibility legal update for the “digital accessibility enablers” who comprise Chicago’s Digital Accessibility and Inclusive Design MeetUp. A special thanks to MeetUp organizer Dennis Deacon. This event will be live streamed, captioned and recorded. At the time of the event, the Live Stream will be here and the Live Captions will be here

  • Northwestern University Structured Negotiation Event

    October 19, 2017 at 12:00 pm (null)

    Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law (room TBD)

    Please note: this event is for Northwestern University staff, faculty, and students only. At lunch time event Lainey and Chicago disability rights lawyer Andres Gallegos will share stories and answer questions about Structured Negotiation. Andres, along with his clients and co-counsel have had great successes with Structured Negotiation in improving health care services for disabled people. Lainey and Andres will share stories of their cases and clients, and talk about how Structured Negotiation trades the stress, conflict, and cost of litigation for a process focused on solution and relationship-building.

  • Cardozo Law School Structured Negotiation Event

    October 23, 2017 at 5:00 pm (null)

    55 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003 (Room 407)

    Talk at Cardozo law school in New York City: “Thinking Outside the Box: Twenty Years of Dispute Resolution without Lawsuits, Conflict or Run Away Costs. An evening of stories with author and disability rights lawyer Lainey Feingold.” Cardozo’s Kukin Program for Conflict Resolution is one of the nation’s leading programs in alternative dispute resolution. This event is sponsored by the Cardozo Dispute Resolution Society.

  • Quinnipiac-Yale Dispute Resolution Workshop: Structured Negotiation Talk

    October 25, 2017 at 4:30 pm (null)

    Quinnipiac University School of Law (North Haven, Connecticut)

    Join Lainey Feingold and the dispute resolution communities at Yale and Quinnipiac Law Schools for a talk and book signing about Structured Negotiation: “Negotiating for Equality: Two Decades of Structured Negotiation.”

  • Baruch College Structured Negotiation Book Talk and Signing

    October 26, 2017 at 6:00 pm (null)

    Baruch College Bookstore, 55 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10010 (Corner of 25th and Lexington Avenue)

    Join Lainey at the Baruch College Bookstore in New York City for a book talk and signing sponsored by the Computer Center For Visually Impaired People and the American Foundation for the Blind and co-sponsored by the A11y NYC MeetUp.

  • Sydney Australia Structured Negotiation Event

    November 14, 2017 at 5:30 pm (null)

    Sydney Australia

    Lainey is excited to be giving a talk in Sydney Australia titled “Structured Negotiation and the quest for equal access in the digital age: lessons from the US disability rights movement.” The event is sponsored by the Digital Gap Initiative, the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Ltd, and the Australian Human Rights Centre, at the University of New South Wales Law School. The event will take place at Ashurst Australia, one of the country’s largest law firms.