Another Web Access Overlay Company Sued by a Small Business Class action lawsuit against UserWay alleges violations of Delaware Consumer Fraud Act and other laws

Another class action lawsuit has been filed by a small business that purchased an overlay monthly subscription, yet still got hit with a lawsuit claiming its website was not accessible. This suit against UserWay by a small online florist, described below, is similar in scope to the class action lawsuit filed against AccessiBe, another overlay… Read more… Another Web Access Overlay Company Sued by a Small Business Class action lawsuit against UserWay alleges violations of Delaware Consumer Fraud Act and other laws

Kiosk Accessibility: The Law is Paying Attention

[Latest UpdateJune 28, 2022] Digital accessibility is not just about websites, and the law is taking notice. This post, updated with new developments, highlights cases about kiosk accessibility. I use the term “kiosk” broadly to include tablets and any piece of technology offering services, products, and information. Who will use that technology? People — and that means disabled people. Read more… Kiosk Accessibility: The Law is Paying Attention

New regulations for kiosks and self-service transaction machines? We’ve been here before.

On September 21, 2022 the United States Access Board, a federal government agency, issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making (ANPRM) about kiosks. The Notice is about the details for making self-service kiosks (alternatively referred to as self-service transaction machines (SSTMs)) independently usable by people with disabilities. The image accompanying this article is an… Read more… New regulations for kiosks and self-service transaction machines? We’ve been here before.

Offering Healthcare? The ADA, Section 504, and the Affordable Care Act Mean Accessible Telehealth, #HealthTech, and Content

I’ve written extensively about delays in finalizing accessibility regulations in the United States. Articles on this website about delays in web accessibility regulations and delays in kiosk regulations are two examples. But federal agencies in the United States do far more than publish regulations. (Though you’ll read below that healthcare regulations aren’t immune from delay.)… Read more… Offering Healthcare? The ADA, Section 504, and the Affordable Care Act Mean Accessible Telehealth, #HealthTech, and Content

Two US Government Agencies Warn about Artificial Intelligence Hiring Technology that Discriminates against Disabled Applicants Article includes resources for AI fairness in employment and beyond

The unemployment rate for people with disabilities in the United States is at an unacceptable high rate. As the US Bureau of Labor Statistics stated in a February 2022 informational release: “Across all educational attainment groups, unemployment rates for persons with a disability were higher than those for persons without a disability.” Two new resources from the US federal government address one type of barrier to the employment of disabled people: Algorithmic and Artificial Intelligence (AI) hiring tools that discriminate. Read more… Two US Government Agencies Warn about Artificial Intelligence Hiring Technology that Discriminates against Disabled Applicants Article includes resources for AI fairness in employment and beyond

Beware of AI Accessibility Promises: US Federal Agency Fines an Overlay Company One Million Dollars Public can submit comments until February 5th in case against AccessiBe for misleading advertising

The new year brought weclomed digital accessibility news from the United States Federal Trade Commission, known as the FTC. The FTC is a federal (national) government agency whose mission is “protecting the public from deceptive or unfair business practices and from unfair methods of competition.” On January 3, 2025, the FTC issued a press release… Read more… Beware of AI Accessibility Promises: US Federal Agency Fines an Overlay Company One Million Dollars Public can submit comments until February 5th in case against AccessiBe for misleading advertising

The Effect of Donald Trump’s DEI Executive Order on Accessibility Guest article by civil rights and accessibility lawyer Eve Hill

Below I share a blog post written by Eve Hill, one of the best disability rights lawyers and digital accessibility legal specialists in the United States. (More about Eve at the end of this article.) Eve shares her thoughts about one of last week’s most distressing Executive Orders. The one designed to cruelly crush any… Read more… The Effect of Donald Trump’s DEI Executive Order on Accessibility Guest article by civil rights and accessibility lawyer Eve Hill

Federal Digital Accessibility Disappearance on Trump Day One Guest article by civil rights and accessibility lawyer Eve Hill

The first week of the new republican administration was frightening and disorienting for all of us who believe in civil and human rights, justice, equality, fairness and more. This guest article is written by Eve Hill, a disability rights and digital accessibility lawyer, about actions taken on day one that impact Section 508 and federal government accessibility. Read more… Federal Digital Accessibility Disappearance on Trump Day One Guest article by civil rights and accessibility lawyer Eve Hill

$240,000.00 Jury Verdict in Blind Students’ Accessibility Lawsuit against Community College

On May 26, 2023 a jury in Los Angeles, California awarded two blind students a little over $240,000.00 in their lawsuit against the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD). The suit was filed in 2017 by students Roy Payan and Portia Mason under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation… Read more… $240,000.00 Jury Verdict in Blind Students’ Accessibility Lawsuit against Community College

Today We Grieve Soon enough we figure out what the election means for accessibility and other issues we cherish

So many swirling emotions today. November 6, 2024. The day after the United States elected its first felon, a man who is transparent and loud in his cruelty, racism, and disdain for women and their bodies. A man who sees nothing wrong with mocking disabled people. Who praises and advances policies that hurt immigrants, LGBTQ+… Read more… Today We Grieve Soon enough we figure out what the election means for accessibility and other issues we cherish