Kiosk Accessibility: The Law is Paying Attention

[Latest UpdateJune 28, 2022] Digital accessibility is not just about websites, and the law is taking notice. This post, updated with new developments, highlights cases about kiosk accessibility. I use the term “kiosk” broadly to include tablets and any piece of technology offering services, products, and information. Who will use that technology? People — and that means disabled people. Read more… Kiosk Accessibility: The Law is Paying Attention

New regulations for kiosks and self-service transaction machines? We’ve been here before.

On September 21, 2022 the United States Access Board, a federal government agency, issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making (ANPRM) about kiosks. The Notice is about the details for making self-service kiosks (alternatively referred to as self-service transaction machines (SSTMs)) independently usable by people with disabilities. The image accompanying this article is an… Read more… New regulations for kiosks and self-service transaction machines? We’ve been here before.

Beware of AI Accessibility Promises: US Federal Agency Fines an Overlay Company One Million Dollars Public can submit comments until February 5th in case against AccessiBe for misleading advertising

The new year brought weclomed digital accessibility news from the United States Federal Trade Commission, known as the FTC. The FTC is a federal (national) government agency whose mission is “protecting the public from deceptive or unfair business practices and from unfair methods of competition.” On January 3, 2025, the FTC issued a press release… Read more… Beware of AI Accessibility Promises: US Federal Agency Fines an Overlay Company One Million Dollars Public can submit comments until February 5th in case against AccessiBe for misleading advertising

The Effect of Donald Trump’s DEI Executive Order on Accessibility Guest article by civil rights and accessibility lawyer Eve Hill

Below I share a blog post written by Eve Hill, one of the best disability rights lawyers and digital accessibility legal specialists in the United States. (More about Eve at the end of this article.) Eve shares her thoughts about one of last week’s most distressing Executive Orders. The one designed to cruelly crush any… Read more… The Effect of Donald Trump’s DEI Executive Order on Accessibility Guest article by civil rights and accessibility lawyer Eve Hill

Charles Schwab 2024 Web and Mobile Accessibility Settlement Agreement Schwab will use WCAG 2.2 AA as its digital accessibility standard

This post sets forth the settlement agreement between Charles Schwab and four of its blind customers/clients about the accessibility of Schwab digital properties. The financial giant’s digital properties are defined in the agreement as “ and Schwab Mobile as well as Thinkorswim web and potential future Schwab web-based and mobile apps used by its retail… Read more… Charles Schwab 2024 Web and Mobile Accessibility Settlement Agreement Schwab will use WCAG 2.2 AA as its digital accessibility standard

Project 2025 and the Threat to Disabled People Disability Rights, Digital Accessibility, and Much More at Stake if Trump is elected

Project 2025 is a blueprint for a conservative overhaul of the United States government. It offers a frightening, dystopian vision of an America where people are deprived of rights, benefits, and values we have grown accustomed to. And it’s on track to become a reality if Donald Trump is elected president in November. I am… Read more… Project 2025 and the Threat to Disabled People Disability Rights, Digital Accessibility, and Much More at Stake if Trump is elected

Structured Negotiations and Mobile Access

Mobile accessibility is about making sure that applications, information and services on mobile devices are available to all users. Weight Watchers, Bank of America, Major League Baseball and WellPoint have all engaged in Structured Negotiations with the blind community to improve the accessibility of their mobile offerings. These companies deserve to be recognized. Read more… Structured Negotiations and Mobile Access

Finally! There are Technical Standards in the United States for State and Local Government Websites + Apps It took 14 years: Good thing the ADA requires access even without the new regulations

[Note: this article was first written in August 2022 when the United States Department of Justice announced its most recent intent to adopt technical accessibility regulations for state and local government websites and mobile applications. Follow along with what has happened since then in the Update section of this article]. In the updates you will… Read more… Finally! There are Technical Standards in the United States for State and Local Government Websites + Apps It took 14 years: Good thing the ADA requires access even without the new regulations

AudioEye Sues AccessiBe for Patent Infringement

On September 4, 2020, AudioEye, Inc. sued accessiBe, Ltd for patent infringement. The lawsuit between these two very well-funded digital accessibility companies was filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas and reported in Justia Dockets and Filings. Read the September 4, 2020 complaint in AudioEye v. accessiBe. (An amended… Read more… AudioEye Sues AccessiBe for Patent Infringement