Talking ATMs: Early History in California and Beyond

October 1, 2009 marks the 10th anniversary of the first Talking ATM installed in the United States. From that first accessible ATM in 1999, there are now tens of thousands of Talking ATMs around the world. In this post, the first of several Talking ATM posts over the next two months, you can read about early Talking ATM history. Read more… Talking ATMs: Early History in California and Beyond

Accessibility Statements Show Commitment to all Site Users

Last updated January 27, 2021 to add the new White House website statement. An important component of any Structured Negotiations settlement agreement involving web accessibility has been a company’s commitment to maintain an Accessibility Statement (previously called an Accessibility Information Page, or AIP. The ideal page has details about the company’s web accessibility policy, details about other accessibility services, and a phone and web-based method for the public to forward accessibility concerns, both positive and negative. The page should be easy to find on the site, preferably linked from the home page and all page footers, and searchable through the site search engine. Accessibility Statement resources and Statements of some of the largest entities in the United States are included in this article. Read more… Accessibility Statements Show Commitment to all Site Users

The First U.S. Web Accessibility Agreement was Signed Twenty Years Ago this Week

Twenty years ago this week (on March 14, 2000) Bank of America became the first company in the United States to sign an agreement to make its website accessible to people with disabilities. The agreement referenced the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0 at a time when the standard was less than one year old.… Read more… The First U.S. Web Accessibility Agreement was Signed Twenty Years Ago this Week

Bank of America Honored for Accessibility Work; Structured Negotiation Gets Shout Out

On October 21, 2019 friends and supporters of Disability Rights Advocates, a national nonprofit disability rights legal center, gathered in New York to celebrate the organization and honor this year’s Eagle Award recipients. One of the honorees was Bank of America, a long-time digital accessibility and disability inclusion leader and Structured Negotiation champion. The picture… Read more… Bank of America Honored for Accessibility Work; Structured Negotiation Gets Shout Out

Bank of America Interim National Agreement

The Bank of America Interim National Agreement expanded on the historic initial Bank of America agreement by confirming the Bank’s commitment to install Talking ATMs at 85% of its locations nationwide. The second agreement illustrates the flexibility allowed by Structured Negotiations, and underscores the positive relationships that develop as a result of the collaborative process. Read more… Bank of America Interim National Agreement

Bank of America Credit Card Rewards Website Agreement

Bank of America has long been a leader in its commitment to accessible digital content. The agreement posted here concerns accessibility enhancements to the bank’s travel rewards redemption site. This agreement was reached through Structured Negotiations, a collaborative dispute resolution process. Structured Negotiations has been used for twenty years to successfully resolve accessibility claims without lawsuits. Read more… Bank of America Credit Card Rewards Website Agreement

Bank of America Online and Mobile Security Solutions Settlement Agreement

Since its early commitment to Talking ATMs and web accessibility in 2000, Bank of America has had a leadership role in providing accessible services to customers who are blind and visually impaired. Posted here is the Bank’s most recent settlement agreement with the blind community, addressing the accessibility of security features on the bank website and mobile iOS applications. Bank of America worked on this initiative in Structured Negotiations with the Bay State Council of the Blind and bank customers Carl Richardson of Massachusetts and Shen Kuan of California. They were represented by the Law Office of Lainey Feingold and Linda Dardarian, of the Oakland, California civil rights firm Goldstein, Borgen, Dardarian & Ho. Read more… Bank of America Online and Mobile Security Solutions Settlement Agreement

Bank of America Final National Agreement

The Settlement Agreement below is the third agreement that Bank of America negotiated with the California Council of the Blind and individual members of the blind community using the process of Structured Negotiations. This final agreement contains the bank’s commitment that 100% of its ATM locations will have at least one Talking ATM. As of early 2008, the bank is on the road towards far exceeding this goal, with over 11,000 Talking ATMs, and multiple Talking ATMs at many locations. Read more… Bank of America Final National Agreement

Bank of America California and Florida Agreement

The Bank of America California and Florida Agreement was negotiated by Lainey Feingold and Linda Dardarian using Structured Negotiations on behalf of the California Council of the Blind (CCB) and several individual blind advocates. The Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF) also represented the Claimants. This was the first agreement in the country in which a bank committed to make its website accessible, and the first in which a bank committed to install Talking ATMs in more than one state. This was the first of three agreements involving Bank of America’s services for blind customers. The interim Bank of America national agreement and the final Bank of America national agreement are posted in the Settlement Agreement Category. Read more… Bank of America California and Florida Agreement