In the Spring of 2011 Lainey Feingold will be speaking at three technology and disability conferences: CSUN 2011 in San Diego, the Conference on Employment and Visual Impairment in New York City, and AccessU in Austin, Texas. In this post you can read about and find links to each of these conferences.
The 26th Annual International Technology and People with Disabilities Conference sponsored by California State University Northridge (CSUN) will include a panel on “Accessible Technology Policy” on Thursday, March 17. The panel, coordinated by Jim Tobias of Inclusive Technologies, will feature both federal presenters and policy advocates from outside government. Lainey will be one of three non-governmental panelists in this ambitious effort to keep CSUN participants informed about multiple accessibility policy initiatives underway in both the federal government and by advocates around the country. Read more about the CSUN Panel on Accessible Technology Policy
On April 15, Lainey will be the keynote speaker at the fourth Annual Conference on Employment and Visual Impairment: Success Breeds Success at the Computer Center for Visually Impaired People (CCVIP) at Baruch College of the City University of New York. The title of her talk is “Stories from the Field: Collaborative Strategies to Increase Access to Technology in the 21st Century.” Read more about the Baruch College conference.
On May 17, Lainey will be leading the plenary session and doing a legal update at Knowbility’s John Slatin AccessU 2011 in Austin, Texas. She will also be doing an in-depth presentation on the second day of the conference about the United States Department of Justice Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) on web accessibility. Read more about the John Slatin AccessU 2011 conference.