The Law Office of Lainey Feingold is pleased to announce that The Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse is now posting settlement agreements reached using Structured Negotiations. The Clearinghouse web site is a collection of documents and information about civil rights cases from across the United States organized in selected case categories. Its goal is to allow “greater understanding” of the importance of civil rights litigation in this country.
Designed for researchers, policy makers, teachers and students, the Clearinghouse aims to make important civil rights legal results available in an easily searchable format. Supported by the National Science Foundation and hosted by the University of Michigan Law School, the Clearinghouse currently provides information on over 2,300 cases.
The Law Office of Lainey Feingold thanks the Clearinghouse, and especially its faculty sponsor Margo Schlanger, for recognizing the results of Structured Negotiations, which have been achieved without litigation.
Read more about Structured Negotiations.
Go to the Clearinghouse Special Collection of Structured Negotiations settlements.