Book Reviews
This topic includes reviews of books that have influenced Lainey Feingold's thinking about digital accessibility, Structured Negotiation, disability, negotiations generally, or about being an advocate with more cooperation and less conflict.
If you are looking for reviews of Laineys book, Structured Negotiation, A Winning Alternative to Lawsuits please visit the Praise for Structured Negotiation page on this website.
You can also find a list of books about digital accessibility on the Resources Page.
Book Reviews by Lainey Feingold in BeyondChron
Lainey Feingold occasionally writes book reviews for BeyondChron, an online news and culture source based in San Francisco. This post contains links to Lainey’s book reviews in BeyondChron.
Read more… Book Reviews by Lainey Feingold in BeyondChron