Overlays and Ethics: a conference panel that hurt my heart

Today is the first time I had to update an article before I posted it. The original article, which you’ll find below, is about a planned session at the Zero Project accessibility conference (#ZeroCon) in February. The session was organized by a member of the German chapter of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP).… Read more… Overlays and Ethics: a conference panel that hurt my heart

Paul Parravano: Structured Negotiation Champion, Disability Advocate, Dies at 71

When I submitted my book manuscript to the American Bar Association in 2015, an East Coast lawyer reviewer had but one question. It basically boiled down to this: “How the hell do I find clients who want to resolve legal claims without fighting? With collaboration, calmness, and kindness instead of conflict?” I don’t have to “find” these clients because for the past 29 years these committed and ethical problem-solvers have found me. One of those people was my friend and client Paul Parravano, a kind, generous man, an accomplished professional, a beloved community and family member, and an unsung hero of Structured Negotiation who died last month from cancer at the age of 71. Read more… Paul Parravano: Structured Negotiation Champion, Disability Advocate, Dies at 71