Project 2025 and the Threat to Disabled People Disability Rights, Digital Accessibility, and Much More at Stake if Trump is elected

Project 2025 is a blueprint for a conservative overhaul of the United States government. It offers a frightening, dystopian vision of an America where people are deprived of rights, benefits, and values we have grown accustomed to. And it’s on track to become a reality if Donald Trump is elected president in November. I am… Read more… Project 2025 and the Threat to Disabled People Disability Rights, Digital Accessibility, and Much More at Stake if Trump is elected

New Class Action Lawsuit against AccessiBe Overlay Company Sued for Breach of Contract, Breach of the Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing +++

On June 24, 2024 Tribeca Skin Care, a small skin care dermatology practice in New York City, filed a class action lawsuit against overlay company AccessiBe. Relying on AccessiBe’s promises about accessibility and ADA compliance, Tribeca purchased a 1-year subscription to AccessiBe’s “AccessWidget” at an annual subscription fee of $490 in August 2022. The subscription… Read more… New Class Action Lawsuit against AccessiBe Overlay Company Sued for Breach of Contract, Breach of the Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing +++

Structured Negotiation Helps Parties Improve CVS Kiosk Accessibility Strategy used by CVS and National Federation of the Blind after a filed lawsuit

Congratulations CVS and the National Federation of the Blind for reaching agreement to improve kiosk accessibility at Minute Clinics in CVS stores. The agreement was reached with the help of the Structured Negotiation process. Structured Negotiation is a collaborative process that helps people and organizations avoid the expense, time, and stress of litigation to focus… Read more… Structured Negotiation Helps Parties Improve CVS Kiosk Accessibility Strategy used by CVS and National Federation of the Blind after a filed lawsuit

Overlays and Ethics: a conference panel that hurt my heart

Today is the first time I had to update an article before I posted it. The original article, which you’ll find below, is about a planned session at the Zero Project accessibility conference (#ZeroCon) in February. The session was organized by a member of the German chapter of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP).… Read more… Overlays and Ethics: a conference panel that hurt my heart

Paul Parravano: Structured Negotiation Champion, Disability Advocate, Dies at 71

When I submitted my book manuscript to the American Bar Association in 2015, an East Coast lawyer reviewer had but one question. It basically boiled down to this: “How the hell do I find clients who want to resolve legal claims without fighting? With collaboration, calmness, and kindness instead of conflict?” I don’t have to “find” these clients because for the past 29 years these committed and ethical problem-solvers have found me. One of those people was my friend and client Paul Parravano, a kind, generous man, an accomplished professional, a beloved community and family member, and an unsung hero of Structured Negotiation who died last month from cancer at the age of 71. Read more… Paul Parravano: Structured Negotiation Champion, Disability Advocate, Dies at 71