This country/region is part of the Global Law and Policy Page, which contains information about laws that protect disabled people’s rights to participate in the digital world.
- Decree 406/022, (December 2022, published January 2023) to
Promote the development of the Information Society in Uruguay, with emphasis on the inclusion of the digital practice of its inhabitants and the strengthening of society’s skills in the use of technologies. Uruguay Decree 406/022
- Article I of the Decree defines accessibility as:
Se entenderá por accesibilidad digital, la posibilidad de que toda la información y contenidos disponibles a través de soluciones tecnológicas, independiente a su canal de implementación, ya sea tecnología web o móvil, en internet, intranets y/o cualquier tipo de redes informáticas, se hagan disponibles y utilizables por el usuario, mediante el uso de equipamiento adecuado, independientemente de su contexto y condiciones personales, contemplando especialmente a las personas con discapacidad.Uruguay Decree 406/022 Article 1
Google machine translation to English: Digital accessibility will be understood as the possibility that all information and content available through technological solutions, regardless of their implementation channel, be it web or mobile technology, on the Internet, intranets and/or any type of computer network, is make them available and usable by the user, through the use of suitable equipment, regardless of their context and personal conditions, especially contemplating people with disabilities.Uruguay Decree 406/022 Article 1
- The Decree references “technical accessibility requirements” in Article 5 and does a deep dive into the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. The Technical requirements section of the Decree begins with:
La accesibilidad digital es el resultado de diseñar y desarrollar servicios y productos digitales para que el mayor número de personas puedan usarlos, independientemente de sus condiciones personales y de su entorno.Uruguay Decree 406/022 Article 5
Google Machine Translation to English: Digital accessibility is the result of designing and developing digital services and products so that the greatest number of people can use them, regardless of their personal conditions and their environment.Uruguay Decree 406/022 Article 5