This country/region is part of the Global Law and Policy Page, which contains information about laws that protect disabled people’s rights to participate in the digital world.
[Note: This country is in the European Union (EU). Visit the European Union section of this Global Digital Accessibility Laws Page for more information about the European Accessibility Act and other digital accessibility Directives impacting EU countries. ]
- This article on Digital Accessibility Legislation by the Finland-based digital consultancy Wunder summarizes Finnish implementation of the EAA and other laws in that country impacting digital accessibility. The article also includes links to all cited laws, and also discusses Estonia and Latvia.
- Act on the Provision of Digital Services (2019 – website is maintained by the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland (AVI))
- AVI English web portal, Digital Services are for Everyone, with lots of useful links and summaries of web accessibility law in Finland
- Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts (2016):
A procurement that is intended for use by natural persons shall, except in appropriately justified cases, be specified in a manner that gives consideration to unimpeded access for disabled users and to a design that satisfies the requirements of all users. The procurement shall be specified with reference to the mandatory accessibility requirements prescribed elsewhere in national legislation or in European Union statutes.Public procurement law in Finland