Bank One Preliminary Talking ATM Press Release

The Bank One Press Release posted here was issued as a result of an initial settlement agreement that Bank One signed with Chicago blind activists Kelly Pierce and Anna Byrne using Structured Negotiations instead of litigation. In the 2001 Bank One Preliminary Settlement Agreement, the bank agreed to install Talking ATMs at 130 locations, making it the first bank with Talking ATMs in Illinois and Ohio. Two years later, the bank signed a comprehensive agreement providing for additional Talking ATMs, an alternative format policy, and an accessible web site. Read more… Bank One Preliminary Talking ATM Press Release

Wells Fargo First Talking ATM Press Release

The press release posted here was the first in the United States to announce a plan to install Talking ATMs. Using the Structured Negotiations process, Wells Fargo worked with the California Council of the Blind and several blind individuals to reach an historic agreement requiring installation of Talking ATMs and provision of alternative formats for print financial information. This release was the first of several concerning Wells Fargo’s Talking ATM program. Read more… Wells Fargo First Talking ATM Press Release

Union Bank of California Press Release

The Union Bank press release was issued as a result of the Union Bank settlement agreement negotiated by Lainey using Structured Negotiations on behalf of California blind advocate Margie Donovan. In the agreement, the bank agreed to install Talking ATMs at all its locations and implement a comprehensive alternative format policy. Subsequently, the bank also committed to make its website accessible. Read more… Union Bank of California Press Release

Wells Fargo California Talking ATM Press Release

The press release about Wells Fargo’s initial Talking ATMs in California was issued as a result of the Wells Fargo California Settlement Agreement. The agreement was the first in the country in which a bank agreed to install Talking ATMs at every location in a single state. It was negotiated using Structured Negotiations by Lainey and co-counsel Linda Dardarian on behalf of the California Council of the Blind and individual members of the blind community. The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) also represented the Claimants. Read more… Wells Fargo California Talking ATM Press Release

Bank of America California Pilot Press Release

This press release, announcing Bank of America’s first 15 Talking ATMs, was issued as a result of the first Bank of America settlement agreement negotiated using the process of Structured Negotiations. The agreement was negotiated by Lainey Feingold and Linda Dardarian on behalf of the California Council of the Blind (CCB) and several individual blind advocates. The Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF) also represented the Claimants. As of early 2008, the bank has installed more than 11,000 Talking ATMs. Read more… Bank of America California Pilot Press Release

TCF Bank Talking ATM Press Release

TCF BANK TO INSTALL TALKING ATMs AND ENHANCE OTHER SERVICES FOR CUSTOMERS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS Bank Announces Collaboration with the Illinois Council of the Blind and Equip for Equality Wayzata, MN, (December 3, 2008)– TCF Bank (TCF), a subsidiary of TCF Financial Corporation (NYSE: TCB), the Illinois Council of the Blind, an affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, and Equip for Equality announced today that TCF has launched a major initiative intended to provide easier access to its banking services for individuals with visual impairments. Read more… TCF Bank Talking ATM Press Release

All 18,000 Bank of America ATMs are now Talking ATMs!

Bank of America Completes Installation of Talking ATMs Maintains Leadership Role in Services for Visually Impaired Customers Charlotte (March 31, 2010)– As part of its long-standing commitment to customers with visual impairments, Bank of America today announced that every Bank of America ATM in the country has been equipped with voice-enabled technology. Visually impaired customers can now access more than 18,000 Bank of America ATMs, the largest network of bank-owned ATMs in the U.S. Talking ATMs provide audible instructions in English or Spanish to persons who cannot view information on an ATM screen. These machines make it easier for people with visual impairments to withdraw cash, deposit money and perform other ATM transactions. The ATMs have audio jacks that deliver spoken instructions privately through standard headsets to protect the security of users who are blind or have low-vision. Read more… All 18,000 Bank of America ATMs are now Talking ATMs!

Bank of America Florida Talking ATM Press Release

This release was one of several issued as part of the implementation of the first Bank of America Settlement Agreement negotiated by Lainey and co-counsel Linda Dardarian using Structured Negotiations. This agreement was the first in the country to address Talking ATMs, web accessibility, and alternative formats. As of early 2008, Bank of America had over 11,000 Talking ATMs. Read more… Bank of America Florida Talking ATM Press Release

Bank of America National Press Release

This release was issued after Bank of America expanded its commitment to provide accessible services by signing a national Talking ATM agreement in which it agreed to install Talking ATMs at 85% of its locations. The agreement, negotiated in the year following first Bank of America Settlement Agreement was negotiated by Lainey and co-counsel Linda Dardarian using Structured Negotiations. In early 2008, Bank of America has over 11,0000 Talking ATMs. Read more… Bank of America National Press Release