Alternative Format Press Releases
Alternative formats are so named because they are alternatives to standard print. Alternative formats allow blind and other print-disabled people private access to information, including critical financial, health and insurance information. Alternative formats include braille, accessible electronic documents, large print and audio formats as well as accessible online content. This category includes press releases about settlement agreements reached in Structured Negotiation guaranteeing alternative formats.
WellPoint (Anthem) Accessibility Press Release
Bank of America First Talking ATM and Web Press Release
This release was issued as a result of a Settlement Agreement negotiated by Lainey and co-counsel Linda Dardarian using Structured Negotiations. This agreement was the first in the country to address Talking ATMs, web accessibility, and alternative formats. Read the full Bank of America Settlement Agreement.
Read more… Bank of America First Talking ATM and Web Press Release
Mass. Eye and Ear, Bay State Council of the Blind Launch Collaboration
Union Bank of California Press Release
The Union Bank press release was issued as a result of the Union Bank settlement agreement negotiated by Lainey using Structured Negotiations on behalf of California blind advocate Margie Donovan. In the agreement, the bank agreed to install Talking ATMs at all its locations and implement a comprehensive alternative format policy. Subsequently, the bank also committed to make its website accessible.
Read more… Union Bank of California Press Release
Humana Press Release: Talking Prescription Labels Now Available
TCF Bank Talking ATM Press Release
American Cancer Society Accessible Web and Alternative Formats Press Release
Weight Watchers Announces Comprehensive Accessibility Initiative
American Cancer Society Information in Braille, Large Print, Audio Formats and Accessible On-Line
Last month, the American Cancer Society (ACS) announced a comprehensive initiative to improve access to its materials by people with visual impairments. Using the alternative dispute resolution method known as Structured Negotiations, ACS worked with the American Council of the Blind (ACB) to improve the accessibility of its website and to develop a pilot program for providing accessible information. As described in this post, print information is now available in Braille, Large Print, mp3, audio CD and accessible electronic formats.
Access to information is a civil right and is key to full inclusion of people with disabilities into modern society. Please share this post and help spread the word about the availability of cancer-related information in formats that people who are blind and visually impaired can read.
Read more… American Cancer Society Information in Braille, Large Print, Audio Formats and Accessible On-Line