Accessibility Culture

On This Page

This is a post about companies who talk about making it easier for disabled people to use their websites, mobile apps, and other tech. These companies have a culture of accessibility. This means that they think about including people with disabilities whenever they make something.  Not just when the thing is already finished. It also means they focus on the people who use their technology. The post connects readers to what these companies say about accessibility.  The companies listed include big companies with offices around the world, like Microsoft.  There are also news organizations like the BBC and the Financial Times. This post lists twelve companies that talk about accessibility culture. Lainey hopes people will send her more articles to include.


Words 'Company Culture' on chalk board

Digital accessibility means disabled people can use and interact with technology and digital content.  It is about good design, development, and coding; appropriate testing and training; an inclusive workforce, and a host of other details.

Accessibility is not a “one and done” thing.  It’s an ongoing commitment to including all users in all technology.

Mistakes and back sliding are less likely with a culture of accessibility.

In this post you will find links to articles about accessibility culture. As with all information on this website, nothing here is intended as legal advice or as a comment on the accessibility of an organization’s particular technology or content at a particular time. And I know many companies with solid accessibility programs who haven’t talked publicly about the culture that makes it happen. Maybe now they will.

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Why a List of Accessibility Culture Posts?

A while ago I noticed that organizations were starting to come out about their accessibility culture.  I’ve created this page to keep track of those public statements, blog posts, and interviews. I hope the list here  will encourage others to develop and build on their own accessibility culture — and to tell their stories to the world.

Know something that should be posted on this page? Please let me know.

In 2013 I undertook a similar effort when I began keeping track of Accessibility Information Pages, also known as Accessibility Statements. Accessibility Statements were a standard element of digital accessibility agreements reached in Structured Negotiation, and I was proud of our negotiating partners who publicly shared their efforts. I wanted to spread the word.

Today, the European Union Web and Mobile Accessibility Directive requires public sector bodies to publish Accessibility Statements. And the UK has recently published requirements for what is needed in the statement.  At least one court in the United States has ordered a company to “make publicly available and directly link from its homepage,” a statement of its Accessibility Policy. 

Let’s hope for a similar expansion of public conversation about accessibility culture.

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Public Statements about Digital Accessibility Culture

Read about accessibility culture from these organizations:

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Other Resources about Digital Accessibility Culture

Here are some articles about accessibility culture generally, not written by or about a particular organization showcasing its efforts:

It Takes a Community

At its best, working in accessibility is not just having a job. It’s being part of a community. And a global one at that. This post would not be possible without that community.

Recently I asked on Twitter for examples of the accessibility culture posts that are now included in this article. Thanks to everyone who shared that tweet. Special thanks to

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